Food Drive

We Can Bless More Lives With Your Helping Hand

Working together to serve and continually inspire communities throughout the nation. We are a community organization that collects food, clothing, and educational items for hand to hand distribution. Our mission is to empower our local youth and families with the necessary tools to thrive and become the difference-makers of tomorrow.
Bless our youth today!

Weekly Events

Our team is devoted to delivering essential food items and support to the community on a weekly basis. We can't wait to see you there!

Food Drive

La Puente

Tuesday Afternoon - Weekly

Near Rorimer Elementary

in La Puente, CA

At 1 PM

Rorimer St and Lochmere Ave,

La Puente, CA 91744

Food Drive


Wednesday Afternoon - Weekly

Near Dalton Park

in Azusa, CA

At 1 PM

S Prospero Dr & Armstead St, Azusa, CA 91702

Food Drive

Baldwin Park

Thursday Afternoon - Weekly

Near Tracy Elementary

in Baldwin Park, CA

At 1 PM

Tracy St and Robinette Ave, Baldwin Park, CA 91706

At 12:30 pm, we draw numbers to determine your position in line. This system guarantees fairness for all who access our pantry weekly. Our team is dedicated to serving as many individuals as we can and we sincerely thank you for your patience.

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We look forward to seeing you at our next event!